Canning: Onion Marmalade
Mid-summer seemed a good time for canning with my beau as we got to know each other so the same day fennel found its way into our bags, bright purple onions beckoned from a stand and went home with us too for a day full of fun. Bonding over a lovely canning book (he owns the UK original, I'm all-American with the later version), we pulled a recipe from page 117 of The River Cottage Preserves Handbook
*Note: If you make adjustments to your recipe to accommodate the amount of produce you have, be sure the less attentive cook has supervision and adds the correct ingredient measurements to the pot. Ours is extra-jammy because of this little mistake. Silly me. I'm always having too much fun in the kitchen...
Love your blog! Your yarns make me want to knit or crochet just so that I could touch them and I have just gotten back to canning after years away from doing it and I love it. We have also started doing some dehydrating which is fun. We teach little classes on both at the nursery I am working at in Northern California. People are seeming so ready to get into growing and processing their own foods. Fun!