
It's all I can do to sit here in front of the blue screen of this laptop, wasting my night away in the beautiful recesses of cooking, knitting, spinning and photography blogs. I had big plans for my evening you know, plans that involved cara cara oranges and glass jars... but I will save that for later. The sleepy bug seems to have set in.

Crimped wool, fluffy wool, long wool, curly wool. Sheep amaze me. I am participating in the Spin Doctor Wool Breeds Challenge Contest, a spin-along aiming to promote the use of wool from sheep whose populations are threatened and being watched by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (US) and the Rare Breeds Survival Trust (UK). I ordered a rare breeds wool sampler box from the Spinning Loft and it arrived while I was knitting on the island. In the Pacific Northwest we are lucky that many farmers/ranchers are raising rare breeds so I am planning some farm visits in the near future to take some pictures and buy some wool.

Coming in the next couple months, fifteen different samples of sheep's wool, 2 ounces each. I think the longwool sheep are adorable, specifically the Lincoln, Wensleydale, and Leicester.

Clun Forest
Dorset Horn
Welsh Mountain
California Variegated Mutant (CVM)
Leicester Longwool
Gulf Coast
Santa Cruz


  1. That's cool you ordered from the Spinning Loft. The owner is the woman who taught me how to spin. Their shop is just north of Ann Arbor and I decided one day that I would drive up there and learn to spin.

    Its a really cool shop and the owner is amazing. I think you'd love her.

    Super jealous of your spinning, per usual.



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