One more class...

My little sister convinced me (without trying) that I needed one more class. And with that Molded Papier-Mâché Dress Form made from a plaster mold I plan to tackle sometime this year (and its corresponding fabric cover), draping will be an exciting new approach to design.

#2002 An Introduction to Draping
Jan Bones, Lingerie Secrets
Draping is the art of creating clothing on a body or a dress form, no pattern required. Our bodies are round, curved, flat and angled, all at the same time and with draping techniques you will see how to fit fabric to the body. In this class, Jan will demonstrate draping on a real person. A basic draped design for the upper body will teach you about neckline shape, shoulder slope, dart placement and side seam location while the draped design for the lower body will teach you about waist, hip and dart shape. You will receive hand-outs with Jan’s step by step directions and diagrams.


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