Elated -> Deflated

"I knew it- last night I heard the neighbors dog barking at 3:30 am, and I got an uneasy feeling. I couldn't sleep, and last time I checked the clock it was 4:30. I was sure that the creepy man was back, but instead of calling the police like I wanted to, I convinced myself I was only paranoid, and needed to get over my fear.

I called the police dept tonight to see what the ruckus was about last night -- my neighbor said they were searching the yard with the k9 unit-- and yep, the prowler had been back. They received reports that a man was peeking in windows and trying to enter houses. They caught him in a neighbors home, standing over a young woman while she slept. I am so relieved.

By the way, it's almost laughable, but he's 14 years old. Just a fucked up 14 year old kid."

The above stated post is my week-old announcement to friends when I found out the police had caught the prowler. Unfortunately, that feeling of relief is fading. The police sent a statement to the local newspaper saying they don't believe the incident a week ago is at all related to the prior incidents, and that they believe they have not caught our prowler. I've been on the phone with the police department this morning, trying to reach the detective working on our case, but he is out of the office. They took fingerprints from our house, and I want to know if they match up with the prints from this 14 year old kid... but I'm afraid they don't. The detective promised he would call us when he had any leads, and we haven't heard from him. How disappointing...


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